Logo Symbolism

"The path isn’t a straight line; it’s a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths." – Barry H. Gillespie

I first encountered this concept in grief therapy while processing the loss of my mother. My counselor described grief as a winding staircase—where time moves forward as we climb, but our emotions and perspectives shift along the way. Some moments feel like being back at the beginning, while others feel entirely new. Yet, no matter how familiar something seems, we are never truly in the same place; We are ascending. This framework became my lifeline in the difficult years following my mom’s passing, and it also helped many of my clients navigate their own journeys. The spiral became a profound symbol of my life’s path. 

Seventeen years after my mother’s death, I chose to tattoo a spiral on my wrist, accompanied by a dragonfly. Inspired by my tattoo, my 13-year-old daughter drew the logo for Aranda Therapy and Psychological Services. The spiral and dragonfly represent growth, transformation, and self-realization, similar to what unfolds in the therapy room. The spiral signifies the ever-evolving process of learning and healing—revisiting experiences, emotions, and beliefs in new ways. Therapy follows this pattern, providing space and support to process past and present challenges in a way that increases insight, coping, and  self-compassion.

The dragonfly represents change, adaptability, and strength in the face of adversity. It serves as a reminder to live fully and find light even in moments of darkness. Together, the spiral and dragonfly encapsulate the evolution that therapy facilitates—a journey of personal growth, self-awareness, and hope.